This blog post will act as my reaction to a film we watched in class, titled Food Inc. The blog will include question and answers from the film.

3. Whose responsibility do you think it is to inform us about what is in our food? Is it our responsibility to find out, the producer's responsibility to make it more clear, or both? Why do you think so?

     I believe that most of the blame for consumers not knowing what is in their foods belongs to the producer. Sure, people should do their research before they make food purchases, but most people believe that their food is prepared safely and their should be no need to question the ingredients. Producers need to label all ingredients on their products. Human health should take top priority over industrial growth and profits. It makes me sick to see that producers are able to hide ingredients from consumers that could lead to possible illness or even death. 

4. Kevin's mother says, "Sometimes it feels like industry was more protected than my son." What do you think of her words.

    Kevin's story is so terrible and tragic. It sickens me that his story alone is not enough to force the food industry into changing procedures. I can understand why Kevin's mother feels as though the food industry was more protected then her son. It's the truth. The food industry has government officials in their back pocket, so of course they are going to be protected. This movie has opened my eyes to just how money hungry and greedy American industries can be. Their success and wealth is more important then the life of a two year old child. I hope someday Kevin's mother will find peace and that Kevin's law will go into effect. I can't even begin to imagine the pain and regret she must live with everyday. She has opened my eyes, and I will be way more aware of what I am feeding my own children going forward. 

4. Do we have the right to assume that our food is safe? If so, who do you think should be responsible for ensuring it's safety? 
    I do believe that we have the right to assume that our food is safe. We have laws and procedures that are suppose to be met to ensure food safety. Obviously, after watching the movie Food Inc, I feel ignorant for assuming our food is safe. Before watching the movie I assumed that the FDA and government were assuring that food in grocery stores were safe for consumers. It's sad that I can no longer make that assumption. Producers need to be responsible for ensuring the safety of our food. All ingredients must be labeled.